Python: How to scrape with requests
It is example code to scrape it:
# date: 2019.09.16
import requests
newstime = '934735827'
newsid = 'HKEX-EPS-20190815-003587368'
url = '{}&newsid={}&period=0&key=&symbol=00001'
url_artickle = "{}/all"
for x in range(3):
print('---', x, '----')
print('data:', url.format(newstime, newsid))
r = requests.get(url.format(newstime, newsid))
data = r.json()
#for item in data[:3]: # test only few links
for item in data[:-1]: # skip last link which gets next page
r = requests.get(url_artickle.format(item['id']))
print('news:', r.status_code, url_artickle.format(item['id']))
# get data for next page
newstime = data[-1]['dtd']
newsid = data[-1]['id']
print('next page:', newstime, newsid)