Python: How to use Tor Network with requests to change IP?
Tor Network can be used to run requests
with changed IP.
If you have installed Tor
then it should run all time as service
and you could use it as proxy server
with address
In requests
you can use it
proxy = {
'http': 'socks5://',
'https': 'socks5://',
r = requests.get(url, proxies=proxy) # using TOR network
And here minimal working code. I use to get IP address as text.
import requests
proxy = {
'http': 'socks5://',
'https': 'socks5://',
url = ''
r = requests.get(url, proxies=proxy) # using TOR network
print(' Tor IP:', r.text)
r = requests.get(url)
print('direct IP:', r.text)
and this moment it shows me:
Tor IP:
direct IP:
But Tor will use almost all time the same IP.
If you want to change its IP then you have to restart/reload Tor.
Or you would have to configure ControlPort
(usually 9051
) and Password
in Tor settings (on Linux in file /etc/tor/torrc
and then you can change Tor IP by sending signal with socket
import socket
s = socket.socket()
s.connect(('', 9051))
s.send('AUTHENTICATE "your_passord"\r\nSIGNAL NEWNYM\r\n'.encode())
or you can use module stem
for this
from stem import Signal
from stem.control import Controller
with Controller.from_port(port=9051) as controller:
On Linux you can also use program netcat
in terminal
printf 'AUTHENTICATE "password"\r\nSIGNAL NEWNYM\r\n' | nc 9051
and you can test IP with
curl --proxy 'socks5://'
As I know after sending signal sometimes Tor may need few seconds to get new IP address so you may have to wait few seconds before sending next request with new IP.