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Python: How to prevent requests from percent encoding in URLs?

If you need url with parameter like


and you use standard method

    payload = {
        'key': 'site:dummy+type:example+group:wheel'

    r = requests.get(url, params=payload)

then it converts it to


To get it without converting to percent you can use directly string in params:

    r = requests.get(url, params='key=site:dummy+type:example+group:wheel')

You can also automatize it if you have more parameters

    payload = {
        'format': 'json', 
        'key': 'site:dummy+type:example+group:wheel'

    payload_str = "&".join("%s=%s" % (k,v) for k,v in payload.items())
    # 'format=json&key=site:dummy+type:example+group:wheel'

    url = ''

    r = requests.get(url, params=payload_str)


You can also use urllib.parse.urlencode(...) with param safe= to inform what chars it shouldn't convert. In this example it should safe=':+'

import requests
import urllib.parse

payload = {
    'format': 'json', 
    'key': 'site:dummy+type:example+group:wheel'

payload_str = urllib.parse.urlencode(payload, safe=':+')
# 'format=json&key=site:dummy+type:example+group:wheel'

url = ''

r = requests.get(url, params=payload_str)

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