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Python: How to add text to code128 using Pillow.

Module code128 create barcode but without text

import code128

barcode_param = 'Hello World'
barcode_text  = 'Hello World'

barcode_image = code128.image(barcode_param, height=100)

but it gives it as Pillow image so you can use Pillow to add margin for text and to draw this text.

You can get original size of barcode

w, h = barcode_image.size

Calculate new size with margins (top, bottom) for text

new_w = w  # the same

margin = 20
new_h = h + (2*margin)

Create empty image new size and with white background

new_image ='RGB', (new_w, new_h), (255, 255, 255))

Put original barcode with top margin (to get in the middle of height)

new_image.paste(barcode_image, (0, margin))

Next you can use ImageDraw to create object to draw lines or put text on image

draw = ImageDraw.Draw(new_image)

And you can use text() to put black text using default font and font size

draw.text( (10, new_h - 10), barcode_text, fill=(0, 0, 0))

To change size you need to use ImageFont to load font and set size

fnt = ImageFont.truetype("arial.ttf", 40)

draw.text( (10, new_h - 10), barcode_text, fill=(0, 0, 0), font=fnt)

And you have image with text in new_image which you can save in file and display in browser

# save in file'barcode_image.png', 'PNG')

# show in default viewer'barcode_image.png')

or you can convert to bytes and send by internet

barcode_bytes = io.BytesIO(), "PNG")

data = barcode_bytes.getvalue()
barcode barcode

In example I use standard module webbrowser only to check image.

import code128
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont

import webbrowser  # only to display it
import io          # only to send by network without saving on disk

barcode_param = 'Hello World'
barcode_text  = 'Hello World'

# original image
barcode_image = code128.image(barcode_param, height=100)

# empty image for code and text - it needs margins for text
w, h = barcode_image.size

margin = 20
new_w = w
new_h = h + (2*margin) # margin top and bottom

# empty image with white border and new size
new_image ='RGB', (new_w, new_h), (255, 255, 255))

# put barcode on new image - with top margin
new_image.paste(barcode_image, (0, margin))

# object to draw text
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(new_image)

# draw text
#fnt = ImageFont.truetype("arial.ttf", 40)
draw.text( (10, new_h-10), barcode_text, fill=(0, 0, 0))#, font=fnt)  #

# save in file'barcode_image.png', 'PNG')

# show in default viewer'barcode_image.png')

# --- later send it ---

barcode_bytes = io.BytesIO(), "PNG")

data = barcode_bytes.getvalue()

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