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Bitly_API on Python 3

There is old version in pip which doesn't work with Python 3.5. It has problem event with import bitly_api.

You have to install code from Github: bitly/bitply_api

I use pip3 and python3 instead of pip and python because I have many versions installed.

If you don't have pip3 then you can try python3 -m pip


  • Test before installing new code.
  • Unistall old version.
  • Download code from GitHub.
  • Install in Python's folder for modules.
  • Test after installing new code.
  • Remove source code.


Test before installing new code.

It shows error ImportError: cannot import name 'Connection'

$ python3
>>> import bitly_api

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.5/dist-packages/bitly_api/", line 1, in <module>
    from bitly_api import Connection, BitlyError, Error
ImportError: cannot import name 'Connection'

Unistall old version.

Installation without removing old version may not work.

$ sudo pip3 uninstall bitly_api

Download code from GitHub

using git:

$ git clone
$ cd bitly-api-python/

using zip:

$ wget
$ unzip
$ cd bitly-api-python-master/

(BTW: zip uses different folder name but it has the same code)

Install in Python's folder for modules

sudo python3 install

Test after installing new code.

Go to folder without source code to make sure that it doesn't use this source code.

$ cd ..
$ python3
>>> import bitly_api
>>> bitly_api.__file__


Remove source code.

After installation you can remove source code.

I assume you made cd .. in previous step.

using git:

$ sudo rm -r bitly-api-python/

using zip:

$ sudo rm -r bitly-api-python-master/

Other information

After downloading but before installing you can test code.

$ export BITLY_ACCESS_TOKEN=your_bitly_access_token_40_chars
$ ./

Ran 5 tests in 6.667s


To get "your bitly access token" you have to login to your account on and then go to and generate it

Bitly API Generate Token
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